Monday 30 January 2017

Reasons why Social Marketing can be a good contribution for public health in Bihar

1.     A new concept of health

In 1948, even before the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO), at the International Health Conference (New York, 1946), it was defined that «health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity» (WHO, 1946, p. 100). This represents an important change from a pathogenic concept which means a health limited to the biomedical field , to a holistic concept that incorporates human sciences in that field where only medicine wanted to rule. Health should be considered in its socio-economical dimensions, involving the individuals, the environmental factors and the social conditions to preserve them. For their part, public servers and citizens must have an active position in the adoption of behaviours that can fight, control or prevent infirmity.

2.     The role of social marketing in behavior change
At least, since 1971 (see Kotler & Zaltman), applying marketing concepts and tools to improve social behaviour was established as an important contribution to that holistic concept of health. Organizations like WHO, FAO or the World Bank, and countries like Canada, New Zealand, USA or Great Britain have adopted a wider policy on social marketing in the public health sector. On a downstream level (see Andreasen, 2006), social marketing interventions have spread across the world, including India, and they were submitted to several evaluation studies (see Gordon et al., 2006; Helmig & Thaler, 2010), ensuring evidence that social marketing can be a good and efficient contribution. Approaches and tools like proper research, a citizen-centric focus, strategic goals definition, segmentation, targeting, positioning, branding, product, services or events conception, pricing, distribution, integrated communication, or evaluation are important contributions to health behaviour change interventions.

3.     A policy on social marketing in public health
Since 2004, the British experience of a national policy on social marketing in public health presents itself as a very good guide, involving numerous health behaviour change interventions with proofed results. All the concepts, processes, institutions, and steps of that British policy can provide a good contribution for other countries, according to proper knowledge, good policy transfer and proper implementation.

4.     My contribution
During my life experience on social marketing, I have followed and studied systematically that British policy (see Santos, 2016) and social marketing for public health, and I am sure that I can provide a useful contribution to your Think Thank, introducing knowledge and advices, providing learning and training, promoting and participating in specific research, informing policy and health systems design, and supporting evaluation processes, always according to your needs and goals.

Andreasen, A. R. (2006). Social Marketing in the 21st Century. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Gordon, R., McDermott, L., Stead, M. & Angus, K. (2006). «The effectiveness of social marketing interventions for health improvement: what’s the evidence?». Public Health, 120 (12), pp. 1133-1139.
Helmig, B. & Thaler, J. (2010). «On the effectiveness of social marketing: what do we really know?». Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 22 (4) , pp. 264-287.
Kotler, P. & Zaltman, G. (1971). «Social marketing: an approach to planned social change». Journal of Marketing, 35 (July), pp. 3-12.
WHO, World Health Organization (1946). «Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference». New York: Official Records of the World Health Organization, nº 2.
Santos, C. O. (2016). Social Marketing in a Country: The British Experience. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace.

Thursday 5 January 2017

New paper about the reference frame approach

In the recent special issue of Janus, the jornal of Observare Research Center, about Global Communication, it was published my new paper about the reference frame approach and international communication strategies