Monday 3 October 2016

Social marketing and development

Our dear friend Professor Jeff French put me the question that social marketing as an inevitable consequence of social development can be one of my book’s conclusions. I told him that it was very important for me the Popper's position (see The Poverty of Historicism) about the science's power of bringing about a more reasonable world, which generates his concept of piecemeal social engineering, trying to conciliate social interventionism with freedom. In this Popperian sense, social marketing generates an open and permanent search for the improvement of societies and is also a natural result of their needs for improvement.
As social marketers we are sons of a great political mix that I try to characterize with the four political grounds [(1)Anglo-Saxon political philosophy; (2) piecemeal social engineering; (3) American pragmatism; and (4) freedom and democracy), including the important John Stuart Mill's constant search for the wellbeing of society and the idea of government as the promotion of the virtue and intelligence of the people themselves. In this sense, my clear intention was to found social marketing concepts not only in a mere technique of marketing but in a more profound idea of how to conduct and develop our lives together.

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